 : 020 360 22728

Sport Guard

Soft and or hard acrylic material can be used to fabricate the optimum guard for your patient. Whether it is for sport use or protection against bruxism. All bite guards and night guards are constructed to your occlusal plane specifications on the upper or lower arch.

We manufacture single orders, and bulk orders of individual sportguards for members of schools and clubs - prior notification is required for bulk orders to enable us to allocate capacity. A sportguard is an essential in any contact sport. It provides protection, not only from direct contact, but prevents injuries from the lower jaw impacting the top. It may yet, even help to reduce the chance of concussion and spinal injuries. Custom made sportguards are made by taking an impression of the user's mouth and forming a sportguard blank around the resulting model. The sportguard is then trimmed for aesthetic appeal and comfort.
